I Believe Anyone Can Sing

Although some people may find it very hard to believe, ANYONE can actually sing. All you need is a little patience, practice and perseverance to eventually become a great singer. Of course, one should also never underestimate the matter of “practice makes perfect.” 

Experts say that we all have the ability to sing well and just like how going to the gym improves everyone's physique, a person's singing skills can be trained to a reasonably high level.   And just like any other skill, singing must be learned.In most cases when people say they cannot sing, it is more than likely that they just do not know how to use their voice in the correct or proper manner.

For some people who have difficulty singing, they may opt to start singing in their talking voices — a more natural register. People typically speak in a lower and limited range, and the singing voice is higher than their speaking voices. So it is merely a matter of learning to relax the vocal mechanism and use supported breath to produce the sound, rather than trying to make the voice ‘do something’ which only causes tension and keeps the voice in an uncomfortable placement.

If you want to know more information about this, it is important to get in touch with a vocal instructor to give you the assistance and help that you need. Your teacher should help you avoid or fix any pitch problems or determine other issues that you might be having.  Routined exercise will help you to achieve matching the correct pitch. 

Once a student has all the tools and exercises, it’s now up to them to practice, practice, practice!Finding discipline in anything you do will absolutely result in something much greater!

Once you start to hear and achieve better pitch, a well trained ear will tell you when you go flat or sharp. It will also help you know when you are in time with the music which is another crucial part for working on songs. 

If you can achieve perfect pitch but have no idea if you are on the beat, off the beat, under the beat, or over the beat, then what use will it be?  It just goes to show that there are so many components to singing that we don’t even realize.  

The journey in becoming a good singer might not be an easy road to travel but NEVER GIVE UP! We all have bad days and we're only human and sometimes the voice won't work the way we want it to. 

But the more you stretch it out, the EASIER it will be to use!  Keep in mind that nobody is perfect.  Everyone makes mistakes, goes flat in pitch, hits wrong notes, goes off time BUT making mistakes and learning from them makes you a better singer in the long run. 

Think of the 10,000 hour rule. The more time you invest in something by practicing, the more likely you'll master it.  But practice in the RIGHT way!

Thanks for reading! Keep on singing!
